

How do I upload images for postings?


Typically, when choosing images for postings, certain criteria should be followed:

  1. Images uploaded for postings should be of the type jpg or gif.
  2. To facilitate upload times, images should be no larger than 450 X 450 Pixels (72 dpi).
  3. Naming conventions should be simple and concise. Image names cannot contain unusual characters, such as * or %, and cannot contain spaces.
  4. From the Post New Classified Ad (or the Edit Classified Ad) page, click the Add Images button. A Choose File window will open.
  5. Navigate to the picture location (usually Desktop, My Pictures, Your Camera Roll, or My Documents folder)
  6. Select the image file and either double-click it or click the Open button on the window.
  7. A progress bar will display as the picture loads.
  8. Click the Save button and the picture will be posted.

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